Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Faces of CHD - Aiden & Landon

There are more than 40 different types of congenital heart defects.  Most causes of CHDs are unknown.  Only 15-20% of all CHDs are related to known genetic causes.  Congenital heart defects develop in the first few weeks of pregnancy, typically before the woman even knows she is pregnant.

Heart Hero Aiden

Aiden Clint Jeffus was born September 24, 2012 with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.  He was born at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS.  He had his first of three open heart surgeries when he was eight days old (Norwood).  At six months old, he had his second open heart surgery (Glenn).  Currently we are preparing for his last of the three surgeries this summer.

You will never meet more of a people person than Aiden.  He never meets a stranger and has a personality that lights up a room.  Aiden loves all things Toy Story and Avengers, and Captain America is his favorite.  Like any other little boy, Aiden enjoys being outside and riding on his tractor.

Heart Hero Landon

Landon is my nephew.  He changed my life in 5 short weeks.  Landon was born premature at just 24 weeks.  A few days after birth he was diagnosed with several heart defects with the worst being a severe aortic stenosis which would eventually lead to Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.  Landon's parents are two of the strongest people I know.  Matt, my brother, and his wife Katie never faltered.  I remember one of Landon's charge nurses remarking about Landon's feisty spirit - she said that she felt he would have many more good days than bad ones while he was at UAB and she was right.  Landon was the spitting image of his daddy.  He loved to suck on his fingers and he enjoyed his mother's voice.  He now has a perfect heart and is resting at the feet of Jesus.  I am so thankful that God gave us Landon, if even for a painfully short time.  We pray that one day no child will ever be lost to a CHD.

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